Quick Tips - A Guide To Sensible Dining
You Can Eat Healthier:
It can be difficult to say no to that piece of office birthday cake, or opt for fruit rather than fries with that sandwich at lunch. However, there are some ways that you can cook and eat healthier which only require a little bit of sacrifice!
Cooking Tips
- Use herbs, spices, lemon, vinegar, or salsa to add flavoring.
- Steam, grill, broil, stir-fry, or roast meats rather than frying.
- Allow juices to drip away from meat during cooking. Use wine, fruit juice, or a light marinade to maintain moisture.
- When cooking vegetables, try steaming or microwaving instead of boiling to keep nutrients intact.
Shopping Tips
- Read labels and compare! Calories, fat, and salt content can vary widely.
- Select low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, and salad dressings.
- Purchase whole-grain breads, pastas, and cereals.
- Pick lean cuts of meat and remove all visible fat prior to cooking.
- Choose fruit juices rather than fruit drinks which usually contain added sugar.
A Recipe for You: French Niçoise Salad (Serves 2 people.)
Arrange the salad ingredients on a plate in an aesthetically appealing way. First put the lettuce greens down and then in a circle around the perimeter, place the eggs, tomatoes, olives, avocado, potatoes and green beans. Mince the tuna and form it into a ball. Place half in the center of each plate. Combine the dressing ingredients in a bowl and whisk rapidly with a fork. Season to taste and drizzle all over the salad. Enjoy!
It seems that every time we turn on the television, there is another report about the health challenges facing Americans. Almost two-thirds of the adult population is overweight, and people are starting to take notice. Fast food restaurants have begun adding lighter fare to their menus. Sesame Street® has introduced vegetable Muppets® to its cast, and even Cookie Monster® is conceding that cookies should be a "sometime food!"
Salad Ingredients:
- 1 head of red-leaf lettuce or 1 bag of mixed Baby Romaine leaves
- 6 cherry tomatoes, halved
- 15-20 French green beans, blanched
- 8-10 new potatoes (the red ones), boiled until tender and chilled in water, then quartered
- 10-12 pitted black kalamata olives
- 2 hard-boiled eggs, peeled and halved
- 1/2” avocado, thinly sliced
- 1 can white albacore tuna packed in olive oil
Salad Dressing:
- ¼ cup balsamic or red wine vinegar
- ½ cup extra virgin olive oil
- 1 clove garlic, minces
- 1 tsp Dijon mustard
- Salt
- Pepper

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